With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more
With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more

Over time, investments into land-based infrastructure led to the emergence of irrigated pondfield agriculture found elsewhere in Polynesia. The earliest agricultural developments took advantage of highly fertile areas with abundant freshwater, utilizing relatively simple techniques such as gardening and shifting cultivation.

with the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more with the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more

Due to the late colonization of the islands, the pathways of development are fairly well reconstructed in Hawaiʻi. Over time, highly intensive irrigated and rainfed systems emerged, supplemented by extensive use of more marginal lands that supported considerable populations. Agriculture in Hawaiʻi was developed in response to the high spatial heterogeneity of climate and landscape of the archipelago, resulting in a broad range of agricultural strategies.

With the golden age of prehistory, farming practices were differentiated and people became more